CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2017/08/04 03:47:15

Log message:
    import p5-Chart-Clicker 2.90
    from Matthias Pitzl; OK sthen@
    powerful charting library for Perl
    Chart::Clicker aims to be a powerful, extensible charting package
    that creates really pretty output.  Charts can be saved in png,
    svg, pdf and postscript format.  Clicker leverages the power of
    Graphics::Primitive to create snazzy graphics without being tied
    to specific backend.  You may want to begin with Chart::Clicker::Tutorial.
    Vendor Tag: pitzl
    Release Tags:       bluhm_20170804
    N ports/graphics/p5-Chart-Clicker/Makefile
    N ports/graphics/p5-Chart-Clicker/distinfo
    N ports/graphics/p5-Chart-Clicker/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/graphics/p5-Chart-Clicker/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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