CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2017/11/05 18:21:07

Log message:
    Import lang/cparser, a C99 parser and frontend for libFirm.
    ok bentley@
    cparser is a recursive descent C99 parser written in C99. It contains a
    preprocessor, lexer, parser, constructs an AST and does semantic
    analysis. It acts as a frontend to the libFirm intermediate
    representation library. This way optimization and code generation is
    performed. The compiler supports cross compilation to multiple target
    architectures with a command-line switch. It comes with driver logic for
    calling assemblers and linkers as well as parsing command-line options.
    This allows it to be a drop-in replacement for gcc or clang in many
    Vendor Tag: bcallah
    Release Tags:       bcallah_20171105
    N ports/lang/cparser/Makefile
    N ports/lang/cparser/distinfo
    N ports/lang/cparser/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/lang/cparser/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/lang/cparser/patches/patch-src_driver_target_c
    N ports/lang/cparser/patches/patch-src_driver_predefs_c
    N ports/lang/cparser/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt
    N ports/lang/cparser/patches/patch-src_driver_warning_h
    No conflicts created by this import

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