On 2017/11/15 06:54, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  ports
> Changes by:   st...@cvs.openbsd.org   2017/11/15 06:54:07
> Modified files:
>       net/freeradius : Makefile distinfo 
>       net/freeradius/pkg: PLIST-main 
> Log message:
> update net/freeradius to 2.2.10; note that 2.x is end of life, it is
> strongly recommended to migrate to 3.x (config isn't directly usable;
> I would suggest diffing between the default 2.x config and your own
> config, then bring your changes across to a clean 3.x installation).

I should have mentioned that 3.x is already in ports/packages, see

It probably makes sense to kill the 2.x port and move 3.x across to
net/freeradius at some point.

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