CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2017/12/23 23:51:38

Log message:
    Import higan-106.
    higan is a multi-system emulator. It currently supports the following 
    - Nintendo Famicom
    - Nintendo Super Famicom
    - Super Game Boy
    - BS-X Satellaview
    - Sufami Turbo
    - Nintendo Game Boy
    - Nintendo Game Boy Color
    - Nintendo Game Boy Advance
    - Sega Master System
    - Sega Game Gear
    - Sega Mega Drive
    - NEC PC Engine
    - NEC SuperGrafx
    - Bandai WonderSwan
    - Bandai WonderSwan Color
    ok stsp@
    Vendor Tag: bentley
    Release Tags:       bentley_20171223
    N ports/emulators/higan/Makefile
    N ports/emulators/higan/distinfo
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-higan_GNUmakefile
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-higan_target-tomoko_GNUmakefile
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-higan_target-tomoko_program_medium_cpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-higan_target-tomoko_tomoko_cpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-higan_target-tomoko_tomoko_hpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-icarus_core_core_cpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-icarus_icarus_cpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/patches/patch-nall_path_hpp
    N ports/emulators/higan/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/emulators/higan/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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