CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: ports Changes by: 2018/04/24 06:07:26
Modified files: print/transfig : Makefile distinfo print/transfig/pkg: PLIST Added files: print/transfig/patches: patch-fig2dev_Makefile_in patch-fig2dev_fig2dev_c Removed files: print/transfig/patches: a4-patch patch-fig2dev_Imakefile patch-fig2dev_dev_genibmgl_c patch-fig2dev_dev_readpng_c patch-fig2dev_read1_3_c patch-transfig_sys_c patch-transfig_transfig_c Log message: synch with xfig version, so that modern LaTeX exports work (tikz and friends) config changed completely, distfile name changed too, but it's easy to adapt. okay pirofti@