CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2018/06/08 16:19:20

Modified files:
        editors/emacs  : Makefile distinfo 
        editors/emacs/patches: patch-Makefile_in patch-configure 
                               patch-lisp_files_el patch-lisp_vc_vc_el 
        editors/emacs/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
Update to emacs-26.1

Announcement and main user-visible changes:

Many thanks to all the folks who tested the pretest and rc tarballs.
Release tested by Gregoire Jadi, Markus Hennecke, krw@ and solene@ on
amd64, sparc64, powerpc, armv7 and arm64.  ok krw@ solene@

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