On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 05:00:13PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 04:23:10PM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 04:13:09AM -0600, Marc Espie wrote:
> > > CVSROOT:  /cvs
> > > Module name:      ports
> > > Changes by:       es...@cvs.openbsd.org   2018/09/17 04:13:09
> > > 
> > > Modified files:
> > >   graphics/tesseract/tessdata: Makefile 
> > >   graphics/tesseract/tessdata/pkg: PLIST-afr PLIST-amh PLIST-ara 
> > >                                    PLIST-asm PLIST-aze 
> > >                                    PLIST-aze_cyrl PLIST-bel 
> > >                                    PLIST-ben PLIST-bod PLIST-bos 
> > >                                    PLIST-bul PLIST-cat PLIST-ceb 
> > >                                    PLIST-ces PLIST-chi_sim 
> > >                                    PLIST-chi_tra PLIST-chr 
> > >                                    PLIST-cym PLIST-dan 
> > >                                    PLIST-dan_frak PLIST-deu 
> > >                                    PLIST-deu_frak PLIST-dzo 
> > >                                    PLIST-ell PLIST-enm PLIST-epo 
> > >                                    PLIST-equ PLIST-est PLIST-eus 
> > >                                    PLIST-fas PLIST-fin PLIST-fra 
> > >                                    PLIST-frk PLIST-frm PLIST-gle 
> > >                                    PLIST-glg PLIST-grc PLIST-guj 
> > >                                    PLIST-hat PLIST-heb PLIST-hin 
> > >                                    PLIST-hrv PLIST-hun PLIST-iku 
> > >                                    PLIST-ind PLIST-isl PLIST-ita 
> > >                                    PLIST-ita_old PLIST-jav 
> > >                                    PLIST-jpn PLIST-kan PLIST-kat 
> > >                                    PLIST-kat_old PLIST-kaz 
> > >                                    PLIST-khm PLIST-kir PLIST-kor 
> > >                                    PLIST-kur PLIST-lao PLIST-lat 
> > >                                    PLIST-lav PLIST-lit PLIST-main 
> > >                                    PLIST-mal PLIST-mar PLIST-mkd 
> > >                                    PLIST-mlt PLIST-msa PLIST-mya 
> > >                                    PLIST-nep PLIST-nld PLIST-nor 
> > >                                    PLIST-ori PLIST-osd PLIST-pan 
> > >                                    PLIST-pol PLIST-por PLIST-pus 
> > >                                    PLIST-ron PLIST-rus PLIST-san 
> > >                                    PLIST-sin PLIST-slk 
> > >                                    PLIST-slk_frak PLIST-slv 
> > >                                    PLIST-spa PLIST-spa_old 
> > >                                    PLIST-sqi PLIST-srp 
> > >                                    PLIST-srp_latn PLIST-swa 
> > >                                    PLIST-swe PLIST-syr PLIST-tam 
> > >                                    PLIST-tel PLIST-tgk PLIST-tgl 
> > >                                    PLIST-tha PLIST-tir PLIST-tur 
> > >                                    PLIST-uig PLIST-ukr PLIST-urd 
> > >                                    PLIST-uzb PLIST-uzb_cyrl 
> > >                                    PLIST-vie PLIST-yid 
> > > 
> > > Log message:
> > > common directory tessdata should be owned by something, even if it's 
> > > shared
> > > ownership
> > 
> > That broke it:
> > 
> > Error: duplicate item in packing-list /usr/local/share/tessdata
> > Fatal error: can't continue
> >  at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1675.
> > 
> Superb example of just not giving me enough info, as it's *only* one
> of those packages :)

Superb example of just not testing before committing :-)


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