CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2019/01/09 16:44:30

Modified files:
        lang/php/7.1   : Makefile distinfo 
        lang/php/7.1/patches: patch-php_ini-development 
        lang/php/7.1/pkg: PLIST-apache PLIST-bz2 PLIST-cgi PLIST-curl 
                          PLIST-dba PLIST-dbg PLIST-gd PLIST-gmp 
                          PLIST-imap PLIST-intl PLIST-ldap PLIST-main 
                          PLIST-mcrypt PLIST-mysqli PLIST-odbc 
                          PLIST-pcntl PLIST-pdo_dblib PLIST-pdo_mysql 
                          PLIST-pdo_odbc PLIST-pdo_pgsql 
                          PLIST-pdo_sqlite PLIST-pgsql PLIST-pspell 
                          PLIST-shmop PLIST-snmp PLIST-soap 
                          PLIST-sqlite3 PLIST-tidy PLIST-xmlrpc 
                          PLIST-xsl PLIST-zip 

Log message:
update to php-7.1.26

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