CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:        2019/02/07 00:19:46

Log message:
    Import POE::Component::Server::DNS, a non-blocking, concurrent DNS server 
POE component
    ok afresh1@
    POE::Component::Server::DNS is a POE component that implements a DNS
    It uses POE::Component::Client::DNS to handle resolving when configured
    as 'forward_only' and Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse wrapped by
    POE::Component::Generic to perform recursion.
    One may add handlers to massage and manipulate responses to particular
    queries which is vaguely modelled after Net::DNS::Nameserver.
    Vendor Tag: giovanni
    Release Tags:       giovanni_20190207
    N ports/net/p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS/Makefile
    N ports/net/p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS/distinfo
    N ports/net/p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/net/p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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