CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2019/02/20 17:35:17

Log message:
    Import ports/lang/janet. ok bcallah@
    Janet is a functional and imperative programming language. The entire
    language (core library, interpreter, compiler, assembler) is about
    200-300 kB and should run on many constrained systems.
    Janet makes a good system scripting language or a language to embed in
    other programs, similar Lua or Guile. Janet also can be used for rapid
    prototying, dynamic systems, and other domains where lisp shines.
    Features include first class closures, garbage collection, lisp macros,
    a REPL, the ability to directly interoperate with C including
    dynamically loading C libraries, and an extensive core library.
    Vendor Tag: jturner
    Release Tags:       jturner_20190220
    N ports/lang/janet/Makefile
    N ports/lang/janet/distinfo
    N ports/lang/janet/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/lang/janet/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/lang/janet/patches/patch-Makefile
    No conflicts created by this import

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