CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2019/03/24 21:13:32

Modified files:
        net/unifi      : 
        net/unifi/lts  : Makefile distinfo 
        net/unifi/lts/pkg: PLIST unifi.rc 
        net/unifi/stable: Makefile distinfo 
        net/unifi/stable/pkg: PLIST unifi.rc 
        net/unifi/testing: Makefile 
        net/unifi/testing/pkg: unifi.rc 

Log message:
handle jdk 11 for unifi;

unifi requires javax.activation from activation.jar, which is present
and active in jdk 8, present but deprecated in 9/10 (hidden behind a
command-line flag), and removed in jdk 11.

add a FETCH_MANUALLY distfile to take this from Java Activation Framework;
this is under Oracle's binary license with an indemnity clause so you get
to download it yourself, but it's fairly straightforward. adapt the startup
script to cope.

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