06.03.2023 20:11, Daniel Braniss wrote:

>>> bhv-10# pkg update
>>> Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
>>> Fetching meta.conf: 100%    163 B   0.2kB/s    00:01    
>>> Fetching packagesite.pkg: 100%    7 MiB   1.4MB/s    00:05    
>>> pkg: Error extracting the archive: 'Write error'
>>> pkg: No signature found
>>> Unable to update repository FreeBSD
>>> Error updating repositories!
>> Make sure you either have /tmp mounted r/w as file system, or point TMPDIR 
>> to /var/tmp or elsewhere mounted r/w.
> /var/tmp and /tmp are r/w

nevertheless, try:

env TMPDIR=/var/tmp pkg update

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