On 17/10/2023 15:35, Ronald Klop wrote:


You could mail the maintainer of the port and ask for an upgrade.
See https://www.freshports.org/databases/mysql57-server

Or file a PR on https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?component=Individual%20Port%28s%29&list_id=647720&product=Ports%20%26%20Packages&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&short_desc=databases%2Fmysql57-server&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr

It always helps if you could add a diff to the port to the PR. But I don't know your skills. Otherwise let's hope the maintainer has some time.

Regards en de groetjes,

*Van:* DutchDaemon - FreeBSD Forums Administrator <dutchdae...@freebsd.org>
*Datum:* dinsdag, 17 oktober 2023 15:27
*Aan:* freebsd-po...@freebsd.org
*Onderwerp:* Any chance of MySQL 5.7.43?


    MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Release Notes :: Changes in MySQL 5.7.43
    (2023-07-18, General Availability)


    Currently, the 5.7.42 in Ports fails to build against OpenSSL 3.
    Upstream says that 5.7.43 has been linked to OpenSSL 3.

    I know, EOL, but 8.x is not deployable on many servers in my
    client base right now, though they're working on it.

Indeed forgot to include maint.
Also pointing to https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=258413 where MySQL 5.7 was deemed 'EOL'.
Hopefully this changes that idea.

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