On Sat, Aug 06, 2005 at 10:45:31AM -0700, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> Sorry, I guess I didn't explain very well at all.  "export
> LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8" does do something for both emacs and xterm.
> Without it both emacs and xterm have trouble reading make.log's
> generated by gcc on fedora.  With that LC_CYTPE setting both programs
> correctly display the gcc warnings.

Not quite necessary.
You can keep Perl quiet and get your UTF-8 supporting applications to
work with these steps:

Put in .Xdefaults

        XTerm*locale:           UTF-8

(you may need XENVIRONMENT=$HOME/.Xdefaults in .profile;
or use .Xresources)

Put in your .kshrc

        alias more='LANG=en_US.UTF-8 more'

(of course ENV=$HOME/.kshrc in .profile; adjust to .cshrc for csh)

In .vimrc

        set encoding=utf-8

I bet Emacs has similar Lisp incantation that you can put in .emacs
If not you can use aliasing similar to 'more' above.

Best regards,

        Zvezdan Petkovic

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