I have been trying to get twiki from ports running on 3.7-release but
to no avail. I'm guessing error code 15 is to blame (problem seems to
be situated 15 inches from the monitor =).

So if anyone would like to share some notes on how to setup twiki I
would be very happy. I have googled myself silly to find a howto so
let's make one?

Here's the output from my black-box for this flight:

1) pkg_add TWiki-20030201.tgz

# is there a better way live with chroot and perl then this?

2) ldd /usr/bin/perl to list dependencies
3) create directories listed in apache chroot, like /var/www/usr/bin
4) copy perl and libraries into created dirs
5) append the following at the end of /var/www/conf/httpd.conf

ScriptAlias /twiki/bin/ "/htdocs/twiki/bin/"
Alias /twiki/ "/htdocs/twiki/"
<Directory "/htdocs/twiki/bin">
    Options +ExecCGI -Indexes
    SetHandler cgi-script
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
<Directory "/htdocs/twiki/pub">
    Options FollowSymLinks +Includes
    AllowOverride None
    Allow from all
<Directory "/htdocs/twiki/data">
    deny from all
<Directory "/htdocs/twiki/templates">
    deny from all

Now I am guessing I am a few steps short, but I'm not sure where to
start digging.


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