I've wanted the nesting at occasions, the status bar I don't care much about.

So ok from this user...

Pedro Martelletto wrote:


I'd like to suggest that two changes be made in the Ion port.

- Don't load the status bar by default.
- Add and load the workspace nesting code by default. Permits you to do
 this: http://ambientworks.net/~pedro/floating-over-tiled.png

Both modifications are based on the particular use I make of this window
manager, so I'd like to know if other people would be okay with them.

Please reply to me privately.


Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/ion/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 Makefile
--- Makefile    7 Sep 2005 19:53:41 -0000       1.24
+++ Makefile    29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
COMMENT=        "light, keyboard friendly window manager"

DISTNAME=       ion-3ds-20050820

HOMEPAGE=       http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/
@@ -22,6 +23,9 @@

LIB_DEPENDS=    lua.5,lualib.5::lang/lua
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) ${FILESDIR}/*.lua ${PREFIX}/share/examples/ion3

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Index: files/detach.lua
RCS file: files/detach.lua
diff -N files/detach.lua
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/detach.lua    29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+-- $OpenBSD$
+-- Fancy management of transcient windows in ion. Mix WIonWS and
+-- WFloatWS on the same "workspace".
+-- Written by Matthieu Moy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on February 17th 2005.
+-- Public domain.
+if not detach then
+  detach = {
+     -- default "passiveness" for the layer 2 floating workspace.
+     passive = true,
+     -- Whether transcient windows should automatically be made floating
+     manage_transcient_with_float = true,
+  }
+-- Introduction:
+-- This extension exploits some of ion3's new features: It is now
+-- possible to attach objects on a second layer on the screen, which
+-- allows you to have, for example, floating objects on top of a
+-- traditional WIonWS workspace. See
+-- http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~moy/ion/ion3/float-split.png if you
+-- prefer images to explanations :-)
+-- A simple setup is to put the following in your cfg_user.lua:
+-- dopath("detach.lua")
+-- detach.setup_hooks()
+-- The layer 2 objects can be either passive or non passive. A passive
+-- object will only take the focus when the mouse is over it, while a
+-- non passive object will allways have the focus when shown. (The
+-- scratchpad is an example of non passive object).
+-- Layer 2 objects can be hidden. This way, a non passive object can
+-- let the focus to the layer 1.
+-- This script attaches two WFloatWS on the layer 2. One is passive,
+-- the other not. The function detach.topmost_transient_to_float sends
+-- a window (or the topmost transcient if the window has transcient)
+-- to one of them (depending on the value of the 3rd parameter).
+-- The function detach.toggle_floatws shows or hide the current layer
+-- 2 floating workspace. This is very usefull to get rid of the non
+-- passive WFloatWS, when it is active and you want to give the focus
+-- to a layer 1 object.
+-- User functions --
+-- Call this function once and all transcient windows will be managed
+-- as floating frame in layer 2. Additionally, you may define the
+-- "float" winprop for other non transcient windows to manage as
+-- floating frames like this
+-- defwinprop  {
+--    class = "Xawtv",
+--    float = true,
+-- }
+-- the winprop "float_passive", if specified, overrides the
+-- detach.passive setting. For example,
+-- defwinprop {
+--    class = "Gkrellm",
+--    float = true,
+--    float_passive = true
+-- }
+-- will make gkrellm start in a passive floating window. (this means
+-- the window will not accept focus)
+-- Note: Adding all the functions to hooks here may conflict with
+-- other functions you could have added to the same hook somewhere
+-- else. If you want to add your personal functions to
+-- clientwin_do_manage_alt, I suggest not adding detach.manager, but
+-- doing something like
+--    if detach.manager(cwin, table) then
+--       return true
+--    end
+-- at the beginning of function you'll use in clientwin_do_manage_alt.
+function detach.setup_hooks ()
+   ioncore.get_hook("clientwin_do_manage_alt"):add(detach.manager)
+   ioncore.get_hook("region_do_warp_alt"):add(detach.skip_l2_warp)
+-- Submenu to add to the WFrame menu:
+-- Add the line
+--     submenu("Attach",           "menudetach"),
+-- to the definition defctxmenu("WFrame", { ... })
+defmenu("menudetach", {
+           menuentry("Topmost transient",
+                     "detach.topmost_transient_to_reg(_sub)"),
+           menuentry("To scratchpad",
+                     "detach.topmost_transient_to_sp(_sub)"),
+           menuentry("To passive float",
+                     "detach.topmost_transient_to_float(_sub, nil, true)"),
+           menuentry("To non passive float",
+                     "detach.topmost_transient_to_float(_sub, nil, false)"),
+        })
+-- Can be called on any object defining screen_of(). shows or hide the
+-- floating workspace on layer 2 of this screen. This applies to the
+-- passive WFloatWS if the second argument is true, and to the non
+-- passive one if it is false. (detach.passive is used if the argument
+-- is nil)
+function detach.toggle_floatws(obj, passive)
+   local screen = obj:screen_of()
+   local sp = detach.find_ws(screen, passive)
+   if sp then
+      screen:l2_set_hidden(sp, 'toggle')
+   end
+-- close (and relocate managed of) all layer2 WFloatWS on all screens.
+-- You can call this function from you cfg_user.lua or equivalent to
+-- avoid having layer 2 workspaces at startup.
+function detach.close_all_floatws()
+   local screen = ioncore.find_screen_id(0)
+   local cur = screen
+   repeat
+      detach.close_floatws(cur)
+      cur = ioncore.goto_next_screen()
+   until (cur == screen or cur == nil)
+-- Normally, simple users shouldn't need to go further --
+-- Put the function "detach.topmost_transient(_sub)" in e.g.
+-- defctxmenu("WFrame" {}) or ionframe_bindings to use this.
+function detach.topmost_transient_to_reg(cwin)
+   local l=cwin:managed_list()
+   local trs=l[table.getn(l)]
+   if trs then
+      cwin:manager():attach(trs)
+   end
+-- send either the topmost transcient or the window itself if it has
+-- no transcient to the scratchpad
+function detach.topmost_transient_to_sp(cwin)
+   local to_detach = cwin
+   local l=cwin:managed_list()
+   local trs=l[table.getn(l)]
+   if trs then
+      to_detach = trs
+   end
+   -- search for the scratchpad
+   local sp = nil
+   for _,r in cwin:screen_of():llist(2) do
+      if (r:name() == "WScratchpad") then
+         sp = r
+      end
+   end
+   sp:attach(to_detach)
+   if not sp:is_active() then
+      mod_sp.toggle_on(cwin:screen_of())
+   end
+function detach.ws_name(passive)
+   local passive_loc = detach.passive
+   if passive ~= nil then
+      passive_loc = passive
+   end
+   if passive_loc then
+      return "layer 2 float - passive"
+   else
+      return "layer 2 float - active"
+   end
+function detach.find_ws(screen, passive)
+   local name = detach.ws_name(passive)
+   local ws
+   for _,r in screen:llist(2) do
+      if r:name() == name then
+         ws = r
+      end
+   end
+   return ws
+function startswith(s, target)
+      return string.sub(s, 0, string.len(target)) == target
+function is_l2floatws(ws)
+      return startswith(ws:name(), "layer 2 float - ")
+-- send either the topmost transcient or the window itself if it has
+-- no transcient to a floating workspace, on the second layer of the
+-- screen.
+-- the parameter "passive" overrides detach.passive if specified.
+-- If "restricted" is true, then, the function will use
+-- ioncore.defer(), and can be called in restricted mode. Otherwise,
+-- the action is immediate.
+function detach.topmost_transient_to_float(cwin, screen, passive, geom, 
+   local to_detach = cwin
+   local l=cwin:managed_list()
+   local trs=l[table.getn(l)]
+   if trs then
+      to_detach = trs
+   end
+   local scr = screen
+   if scr == nil then
+      scr = cwin:screen_of()
+   end
+   -- use a passive WFloatWS ?
+   local passive_loc = detach.passive
+   if passive ~= nil then
+      passive_loc = passive
+   end
+   -- Find it if it already exists ...
+   local name = detach.ws_name(passive_loc)
+   local fws = detach.find_ws(scr, passive_loc)
+   local geom_loc
+   local oldgeom = to_detach:geom()
+   if geom == nil then
+      -- debug.echo("geom==nil")
+      geom_loc = {x=20, y=20, h=oldgeom.h, w=oldgeom.w}
+   else
+      -- debug.echo("geom=={x="..geom.x..",y="..geom.y.."}")
+      geom_loc = {x=geom.x, y=geom.y,
+         h=oldgeom.h, w=oldgeom.w}
+   end
+   if not restricted then
+      -- ... if not, create it
+      if fws == nil then
+         fws = scr:attach_new{
+            type = "WFloatWS",
+            name = name,
+            layer = 2,
+            passive = passive_loc,
+            switchto = false,
+         }
+      end
+      fws:attach(to_detach)
+      fws:screen_of():l2_set_hidden(fws, 'false')
+      to_detach:rqgeom(geom_loc)
+      ioncore.defer(function()
+                       to_detach:goto()
+                    end)
+   else
+      ioncore.defer(function()
+                       -- ... if not, create it
+                       if fws == nil then
+                          fws = scr:attach_new{
+                             type = "WFloatWS",
+                             name = name,
+                             layer = 2,
+                             passive = passive_loc,
+                             switchto = false,
+                          }
+                       end
+                       ioncore.defer(function()
+ fws:screen_of():l2_set_hidden(fws, 'false') + fws:attach(to_detach)
+                                        --   fws:goto()
+                                        to_detach:manager():goto()
+                                        to_detach:goto()
+ + to_detach:manager():rqgeom(geom_loc)
+                                        ioncore.defer(function ()
+                                                      end)
+                                     end)
+                    end)
+   end
+-- close the floating workspaces on layer 2 and relocate the floating
+-- windows in the layer 1 workspace.
+-- Usefull to change the settings of the workspace (passive or
+-- not, ...)
+function detach.close_floatws(region)
+   local screen
+   if region then
+      screen = region:screen_of()
+   end
+   if (screen == nil) then
+      screen = ioncore.find_screen_id(0)
+   end
+   for _,r in screen:llist(2) do
+      if obj_is(r, "WFloatWS") then
+         local fws = r
+         -- relocate windows to layer 1
+         local dest = screen:lcurrent(1):current()
+         for _,fframe in r:managed_list() do
+            for _,cwin in fframe:llist(1) do
+               dest:attach(cwin)
+               cwin:goto()
+            end
+         end
+         -- and close this workspace
+         ioncore.defer(function () fws:rqclose() end)
+      end
+   end
+-- Brings a Frame back to the layer 1
+function detach.float_to_layer1 (cwin)
+   local screen = cwin:screen_of()
+   if screen == nil then
+      screen = ioncore.find_screen_id(0)
+   end
+   screen:lcurrent(1):current():attach(cwin)
+   ioncore.defer(function () cwin:goto() end)
+-- detach.toggle_float (_sub) to call on a WFrame
+-- Takes a frame from a WIonWS to a WFloatWS in the second layer.
+function detach.toggle_float (cwin)
+   if obj_is(cwin:manager(), "WFloatFrame") then
+      detach.float_to_layer1(cwin)
+   else
+      detach.topmost_transient_to_float(cwin)
+   end
+-- candidate for clientwin_do_manage_alt to manage transient. See
+-- documentation for detach.manage_transcient_with_float for details.
+function detach.manager(cwin, table)
+   local wp=ioncore.getwinprop(cwin)
+   if detach.manage_transcient_with_float
+      and table.tfor
+      and not obj_is(table.tfor:manager(), "WFloatWS") then
+ + local manager = table.tfor:manager() + detach.topmost_transient_to_float(cwin, + manager:screen_of(),
+                                        (wp and wp.float_passive),
+                                        table.geom)
+      table.tfor:goto()
+      return true
+   end
+   if (wp and wp.float) then
+      local screen = cwin:screen_of()
+      if screen == nil then
+         screen = ioncore.find_screen_id(0)
+      end
+      detach.topmost_transient_to_float(cwin,
+                                        screen,
+                                        (wp and wp.float_passive),
+                                        table.geom)
+      return true
+   end
+   return false
+-- DEPRECATED. detach.manager() does all this now.
+-- candidate for ionws_placement_alt to manage windows with the
+-- "float" winprop.
+function detach.ionws_manager(cwin, ws, table)
+   local wp=ioncore.getwinprop(cwin)
+   if wp.float then
+      detach.topmost_transient_to_float(cwin,
+                                        ws:screen_of(),
+                                        (wp and wp.float_passive),
+                                        table.geom,
+                                        true)
+      return true
+   end
+   return false
+-- candidate for frame_managed_changed_hook.
+-- If the action is a "remove", and the layer 2 workspace is empty, hide it.
+-- This prevents an empty (and thus invisible) layer 2 floating workspace from
+-- having the focus after its last managed frame is closed, so that focus
+-- returns to layer 1.
+function detach.maybe_leave_layer2(tbl)
+   if tbl.mode == "remove" then
+      local mgr = tbl.reg:manager()
+      if is_l2floatws(mgr) then
+         local l = mgr:managed_list()
+        -- The region will be empty if the only managed region is the one
+        -- currently being removed.
+        if table.getn(l) == 1 and l[1] == tbl.reg then
+            ioncore.defer(function () mgr:screen_of():l2_set_hidden(mgr, 
'true') end)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+function detach.skip_l2_warp(reg)
+   n = reg:manager():manager():name()
+   if is_l2floatws(reg:manager():manager()) then
+       return true
+   end
+   return false
Index: files/nest-ws.lua
RCS file: files/nest-ws.lua
diff -N files/nest-ws.lua
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ files/nest-ws.lua   29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-- $OpenBSD$
+-- Nest workspaces inside Frames.
+-- Matthieu Moy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, February 15th 2005.
+-- Public domain.
+-- This defines a menu to be used as a submenu for WFrames.
+-- Add the line
+--       submenu("Attach",           "menuattach"),
+-- to the definition defctxmenu("WFrame", { ... })
+defmenu("menuattach", {
+ menuentry("WIonWS", "_:attach_new({type=\"WIonWS\" }):goto()"), + menuentry("WFloatWS", "_:attach_new({type=\"WFloatWS\"}):goto()"), + menuentry("WPaneWS", "_:attach_new({type=\"WPaneWS\" }):goto()"), + })
Index: patches/patch-etc_cfg_ion_lua
RCS file: patches/patch-etc_cfg_ion_lua
diff -N patches/patch-etc_cfg_ion_lua
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-etc_cfg_ion_lua       29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- etc/cfg_ion.lua.orig       Sat Aug 20 08:33:49 2005
++++ etc/cfg_ion.lua    Wed Sep 28 23:41:29 2005
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ dopath("mod_menu")
+ dopath("mod_ionws")
+ dopath("mod_floatws")
+ dopath("mod_panews")
+ --dopath("mod_dock")
+ dopath("mod_sp")
+ +@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ dopath("cfg_bindings") + + -- Define some menus (mod_menu required)
+ dopath("cfg_menus")
++-- Load workspace nesting stuff.
+ + -- Load additional user configuration. 'true' as second parameter asks
+ -- Ion not to complain if the file is not found.
Index: patches/patch-etc_cfg_menus_lua
RCS file: patches/patch-etc_cfg_menus_lua
diff -N patches/patch-etc_cfg_menus_lua
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-etc_cfg_menus_lua     29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- etc/cfg_menus.lua.orig     Sat Aug 20 08:33:49 2005
++++ etc/cfg_menus.lua  Wed Sep 28 23:46:29 2005
+@@ -43,4 +43,6 @@ defctxmenu("WFrame", {
+     menuentry("Clear tags",     "ioncore.clear_tags()"),
+     menuentry("Window info",    "mod_query.show_clientwin(_, _sub)",
+                                 "_sub:WClientWin"),
++    submenu("Attach",           "menuattach"),
++    submenu("Detach",           "menudetach"),
+ })
Index: patches/patch-mod_statusbar_ion-statusd_statusd_mail_lua
RCS file: patches/patch-mod_statusbar_ion-statusd_statusd_mail_lua
diff -N patches/patch-mod_statusbar_ion-statusd_statusd_mail_lua
--- patches/patch-mod_statusbar_ion-statusd_statusd_mail_lua    8 Jun 2005 
12:45:55 -0000       1.2
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-mod_statusbar_ion-statusd_statusd_mail_lua,v 1.2 2005/06/08 
12:45:55 pedro Exp $
---- mod_statusbar/ion-statusd/statusd_mail.lua.orig    Tue Jun  7 10:06:02 2005
-+++ mod_statusbar/ion-statusd/statusd_mail.lua Wed Jun  8 09:11:13 2005
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ local mon = "mail"
- local defaults={
-     update_interval=10*1000,
-     retry_interval=60*10*1000,
--    mbox = os.getenv("MAIL"),
-+    mbox = os.getenv("MAIL") or "/var/mail/" .. os.getenv("USER"),
-     files = {}
- }
- Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/ion/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST   7 Sep 2005 19:53:41 -0000       1.11
+++ pkg/PLIST   29 Sep 2005 04:05:15 -0000
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@

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