Joerg Zinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i think there could be a problem with python expat module.
> python 2.3 build expat as one of the multiple packages.
> python 2.4 does not - its part of core.

I guess that it could be built as separate module.

> so this means every python port which uses expat package in a way like
> this: 
> and has not defined python version 2.3 will not build,
> for example:
> textproc/py-ElementTree
> textproc/py-xml (uses expat as flavor)
> www/rawdog
> not sure, but the same problem maybe for 2.3 python-mpz package.

IIRC there is no mpz package in newer version of python as it has been

I'm going to switch our default python version to 2.4 from 2.3 this
weekend.  Of course I'll test all dependencies so there is no need to
panic (;

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dwukrotnie w ciągu lata; białym od płatków wiśni i jabłoni; wypieczonym w
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 -- Ewa Białołęcka, Kamień na szczycie

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