Can we please cut patrick some slack? I Googled, I followed the 
offensive link that was suggested, and I searched the archives of 
several OpenBSD mailing lists, and there is indeed nothing that 
obviously points out what's wrong with strcmp. I can very well imagine 
patrick did the same thing and decided just to ask.

Also, please keep in mind that people who are trying to contribute to 
the project in one way or another may not be as willing to do so if you 
fling this kind of offense at them. Everybody makes mistakes; it's not 
like patrick was purposefully trying to waste anyone's time.

In the meantime, we're a few posts down the road from the original 
question, and I haven't seen any answer; neither on the list, nor on the 
Net. I suppose it has something to do with strcmp continuing to compare 
until it finds a char with value 0, but I can think of many situations 
where this wouldn't occur (it certainly shouldn't be an issue if all 
strings are always 0-terminated).

So, I second patrick's question, and I would ask that someone either 
answer the question or provide a link to an answer. If it is indeed such 
a frequently asked question, it shouldn't be too hard to find a FAQ 
entry or mailing list post that answers it, right?



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