Hello ports@,

I would really like to see "vifm" [1] in the ports tree, because it is a really
nice and comfortable file manager (like mc), but with vi key bindings.

I basically downloaded the source, untared it, fixed all the symlinks in the
vifm directory and had to comment out one line in vimfm/src/ui.c
I don't know where the symlinks SHOULD go, I just linked it against files I
found with the same name (yeah it worked somehow :)

This is not a fix of course, but it enabled me to compile it and it runs just
fine. I'm sure somenone here (having much more C/ncurses knowledge) could fix
it quickly.

#------------------------------- dirty_hack -----------------------------------#
--- vifm/src/ui.c       Sun Jul 17 23:51:28 2005
+++ vifm2/src/ui.c      Thu Nov 24 07:57:51 2005
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
        ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
-       resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col);
+/*     resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col); */
        getmaxyx(stdscr, screen_y, screen_x);

Since I'm sure many developers/ports-maintainers are using vi[m] as well, would
it be possible to make a port and include it?

[1] http://vifm.sourceforge.net/


Please CC me, otherwise I have to read it in the archives (no problem either).

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