Jacob Meuser <jakemsr <at> jakemsr.com> writes:

> why are you specifying AUTOMAKE_VERSION and AUTOCONF_VERSION
> if you aren't using automake or autoconf?

I copied the Makefile from another port I was working on; I was expecting the
worse :)

> wouldn't java be a more appropriate category than devel?

Yes; I started out thinking that java would be the right category. But:
jdk, jakarta-servletapi, apache-ant. are in devel; jikes and kaffe are in lang;
and fastjar is in archivers.  Go figure.  Majority rules?  It might make send to
put them all under java.

> port directories do not have version numbers.  sometimes there
> may be foo/bar and foo/bar2 or some such, but those only exist if
> there is good reason to have two "generations" of a package in
> the ports tree.

Good comment; I'm anticipating the need for multiple releases.

Classpath is a moving target.  They've been producing developer release every
two months. Although 0.19 sounds like they are just getting started they are 96%
of the way to a conforming JDK 1.4 class library, and within five mauve tests of
a conforming JDK 1.2.  So I expect to see at least two more classpath developer
releases *before* OpenBSD 3.9.  

On the other side of the coin is the jit/jvm space. There is a very strong push
for jit/jvm developers to operate out of the box with the classpath releases. 
Some projects are already there, others are about to catch up. Before  0.19 most
projects did a special classpath integration.  So, for example, you see gcc 3.4
stuck back at something like 0.12; btw gcc 4.1 will take classpath out of the
box soon; cacao-0.93 already does.  Kaffe is getting there (so I hear.)  JamVM
is easy because it already was there.

All this is to say that here's classpath/0.19 and expect classpath/0.20 and
/0.21 about 6 months out, depending on the timing of the jits and jvms.  "Lots
of harmony."

There is also the related issue of parallel installations, which I have not
addressed yet and won't until I get a second jit/jvm in play.

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