On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 08:14:20PM +0000, Edd Barrett wrote:
> I cannot find the "user interface" for xfce4 on openbsd 3.8 i386. By my
> reckoning it should be in the gtk-xfce-engines package (Just from looking at
> the port's PLIST)? The dialog should appear in the settings dialog, or it
> can be invoked (according to someone on #xfce on freenode) by running
> "xfce-setting-show ui" to which I am greeted with "Xfce Settings Manager
> error:No such plugin 'ui'".
> Is this relevant to what I am experiencing?
> http://www.xfce.org/index.php?page=documentation&lang=en#themes
> Does anyone else running xfce4 have access to the dialog?

Try installing xfce-mcs-plugins, I think that's it.

> Heres some info on the machines package set:
> gtk-xfce-engine-2.2.7 theme engine for GTK2
> libxfce4mcs-4.2.2   settings management library used by most xfce4 modules
> libxfce4util-4.2.2  basic utility library for xfce4
> libxfcegui4-4.2.2   widget library for xfce4
> xfcalendar-4.2.2    simple calendar application with reminders for xfce4
> xfce-mcs-manager-4.2.2 settings manager for xfce4
> xfce-utils-4.2.2    essential utilities and scripts for xfce4
> xfce4-icon-theme-4.2.2 icon theme for xfce4
> xfce4-panel-4.2.2   xfce4 panel
> xfce4-session-4.2.2 xfce4 session manager
> xfce4-systray-4.2.2 xfce4 notification area/system tray for the panel
> xfce4-taskbar-0.2.2p1 taskbar plugin for the xfce4 panel
> xfdesktop-4.2.2p0   xfce4 desktop background manager
> xfwm4-4.2.2         xfce4 window manager
> xfwm4-themes-4.2.2  window decoration themes for xfwm4
> Best Regards
> Edd

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