On Saturday 18 March 2006 22:52, steven mestdagh wrote:
> viq [2006-03-12, 22:46:07]:
> > Ok, here's another patch, before I start playing with what Antti Harri
> > posted. I should start making a changelog ;) So: included
> > MODGNU_CONFIG_GUESS_DIRS instead of copying config.* files, added
> > installation of sample irssi.conf. Still getting those grep errors on
> > configure though.
> [...]
> > +include/irssi/
> > +include/irssi/config.h
> > +include/irssi/irssi-version.h
> > +include/irssi/src/
> > +include/irssi/src/common.h
> > +include/irssi/src/core/
> > +include/irssi/src/core/args.h
> [...]
> is it necessary to install all these header files?

I don't know, I'll look how the old port dealt with them. And as Tobias said, 
they may be useful. What do you think?

> > +share/examples/irssi/irssi.conf
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ${SYSCONFDIR}/irssi/irssi.conf
> i think this is good, but you may want to check settings.c. it is
> expecting ${SYSCONFDIR}/irssi.conf right now.
> also, are the theme files in ${SYSCONFDIR}/irssi used at all?

Ah, thanks, I'll look at that.

> can you prepare one complete patch that also takes care of the configure
> errors?

Well, here's the trick - the patch that removes the grep errors introduces rm 
errors for me - even on a box freshly installed from snapshots, with freshly 
checked out ports tree. But yes, I guess I'll do that so testing is more 
comfortable for others.

> almost forgot: do you want to maintain this port?

Well... I'd say I'm a newbie trying to scratch an itch that noone else wanted 
to ;) I don't really know what I'm doing, just trying to put together 
solutions others found/suggested... So I'd say I am not a competent enough 
person to become a maintainer.

> steven


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