steven mestdagh wrote:

here is a port of the PLplot library.
seems to work okay on i386/amd64. testing/feedback appreciated...

from DESCR:
PLplot is a library of functions that are useful for making scientific

PLplot can be used from within compiled languages such as C, C++,
Fortran and Java, and interactively from interpreted languages such
as Octave, Python, Perl and Tcl.

The PLplot library can be used to create standard x-y plots, semilog
plots, log-log plots, contour plots, 3D surface plots, mesh plots,
bar charts and pie charts. Multiple graphs (of the same or different
sizes) may be placed on a single page with multiple lines in each


I tried compiling on amd64, it fails with the following message:

creating get-drv-info
./get-drv-info `echo | sed 's/.la//'` > gd.rc
./get-drv-info `echo | sed 's/.la//'` > hpgl.rc
./get-drv-info `echo | sed 's/.la//'` > gcw.rc
Could not open driver module gcw
libltdl error: Cannot load specified object
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mystuff/plplot/w-plplot-5.5.3/plplot-5.5.3/drivers.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mystuff/plplot/w-plplot-5.5.3/plplot-5.5.3 (line 647 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mystuff/plplot/w-plplot-5.5.3/plplot-5.5.3 (line 518 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mystuff/plplot (line 1927 of /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/

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