On Thu, 18 May 2006 15:47:19 -0400
Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 18 May 2006 21:32:15 +0300 Liviu Daia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     How is it useful?  (Hint: you can't talk about utility outside a
> > context.  Useful to whom, for what purpose, with what costs?)
> And here is the real issue.  You think that your personal desires are
> all that matters.  Just because you don't want some functionality, it
> shouldn't exist then?
> I just don't understand how this became a problem for you though. 

And I don't understand why you have to display an attitude more
appropriate to a certain highly highly politicised Linux project (or
even a certain software vendor based in the North-West USA). 

As to the inclusion of  X in everything - there have been statements
that "it has been decided" - decided by whom ? - I've seen no discussion
of the matter on this list.

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