On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Mathieu Sauve-Frankel wrote:
Please test this on arches OTHER than i386.
We already know it works fine on i386 :-D

It seems to work fine on macppc (but I don't know how to play this

With systrace you do get some warnings though:
$ make configure
systrace: intercept_get_string: string too long

$ make
systrace: deny user: ajacoutot, prog: /usr/local/lib/qt3/bin/uic, pid: 2093(0)[21239], policy: /usr/bin/env, filters: 184, syscall: native-fswrite(136), filename: /qgo-1.5.1_writes_to_HOME/.qt
QSettings: error creating /qgo-1.5.1_writes_to_HOME/.qt
QSettings::sync: filename is null/empty

Adding the following line to the Makefile of the port should take care
of the previous warnings (is you have USE_SYSTRACE=Yes, you get a _lot_
of those):


Let me know if you want the complete build log.



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