Yeah, It's fun, after I understood that I must use accelerate to
start flying :]

For me on i386, switching to fullscreen works fine.
But accessing the `About the game' or `Release notes' I
get msg on screen "Error: could not open 'notes.txt'".

On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 04:41:52PM +0200, Michael Knudsen wrote:
>Quoting Andreas Bihlmaier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> I ported "airstrike", see pkg_info below. The game is still an alpha
>> version and development seems to be kind of staled, also there is only
>> one level so far. Why did I port it?
>> Play it once (with a friend), it is really addicting.
>It's fun, but accessing the `About the game' or `Release notes' in the
>game doesn't work.  Also, the game segfaults when trying to switch to
>fullscreen from the menu, leaving the screen in a different resolution.
>Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.
>-- (Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man)

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