
Thank you for responding so quickly, don't misunderstand I was not
pressing in anyway, I wanted more than anything to offer my help in
anyway I can.

like my previous post stated I would be more than happy to test the
port on several clean installs, if this would help any.

Sam Fourman Jr.

On 10/18/06, Alexander Wirt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
> I have spent a few months,trying to find out if someone is working on
> a update to a more recent version of Gnome Desktop,and that answer is
> still unclear, but i am hopeful :)
> I have tried to build Gnome but I can't seem to get past glib, I have
> a Past post about the build error.
> Gnome on OpenBSD is reasonably outdated, and to the extent of my
> current ability I would like to do my part in bringing Gnome to
> OpenBSD.
I'm working on it.
I currently have round about 75% ported, as I have to do this for a
customer and my timeframe is very very short, I currently don't have
much time to contribute back, but I expect some results available for
the public at the end of the week. But be warned, the ports are
currently far away from perfect, the focus is that it works, not that
its perfect :). But this will hopefully come later. So please give me a
little bit more time.


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