> You are such a dumb cunt that I actually feel sorry for you.  You and your
> retarded opinions are ready for some MirBSD usage.  Haven't you figured
> out yet
> that the reason that no one likes you might be because of you?
> It is time for you to move on, really.  Just fuck off, don't return and
> have a
> nice life.  No one cares about whatever DoS you claim to have
> "discovered".  No
> one cares about anything you say because you are a disrespectful asshole.
> Even
> if you had a point no one would listen.
> OpenOffice works fine for me and I am glad it doesn't work for you.
> Mmmmm, if
> that isn't justice I don't know what is.  Yummm I create 3 spreadsheets
> today
> too!  mmmm-hmmmm!
> you opinions are brocken and your taxing on this community is expensiv
> also,
> your opinions are obsulet and anoing.  Do everyone a favor and go use
> genpoo.

Seams some OpenBSD scum simply don`t know when to quit.
Peoples died already for less so simply stop it you poor vatican wipping boy.

I hope you propably know the meaning EOF even it`s used here.
But propably it also shows who loves to troll arround and now you propably
just wanna shut up. Right? :-)

Kind regards,

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