On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 03:10:26AM -0500, ICMan wrote:
> Niklas Hallqvist wrote:
> >ICMan wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>I just compiled (after a whole day) the jdk 1.5.0p19 distribution on 
> >>OBSD
> >>4.0, and I get the following error whenever I run java or attempt to use
> >>the plugin with firefox:
> >>
> >>"Error occurred during initialization of VM
> >>Could not reserve enough space for object heap
> >>Could not create the Java virtual machine."
> >>
> >>I have tried "ulimit -d 100000", I have tried "java -Xms10M -Xmx10M", 
> >>"java
> >>-Xms100M -Xmx100M", and even "java -Xms1M -Xmx1M".  None work.  I
> >>continue to get the same error.
> >
> >Although I always run with a gig in ulimit (that's 10x what you have 
> >tried), I tried a lowering my ulimit
> >to just 100M and start a big applet in firefox, it worked ok.  I have 
> >never had to use VM args for
> >the plugin...
> >
> >How much free memory do you have according to top(1)?  How big is your 
> >swap?
> >Do all applets exhibit this error?
> >
> load averages:  1.49,  1.55,  1.53                                     
> 03:00:24
> 56 processes:  3 running, 52 idle, 1 on processor
> CPU states: 23.5% user,  0.0% nice,  3.6% system,  0.8% interrupt, 72.1% 
> idle
> Memory: Real: 156M/232M act/tot  Free: 12M  Swap: 89M/1969M used/tot
> The problem manifests with all applets, and even when I just run the 
> "java" command without a class file - it doesn't even get to the point 
> where it gives me a usage error.  Same for "java -version".  Appears to 
> have something to do with permissions, because when I run it as root, it 
> works fine (just found that out a little bit ago), but I cannot for the 
> life of me figure out why.

Root also has significantly larger resource limits, though, so that does
not rule out a resource limit problem.

ktrace'ing it might be useful. Some more memory would make your box
considerably happier too, I suppose, although it should still work.


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