Joerg Zinke writes:

>> I've got an updated port for BackupPC 3.0.0beta2.  I'll send you
>> the files as soon as I've fixed a couple of minor bugs.
> can you send the files here to ports@ since other people (at least
> me) are interested in that port too.

I've attached the current version of the BackupPC port.  The
README.OpenBSD file is incomplete but should contain enough
information to get going.

> did you managed it to get the cgi running in chroot? or did you just
> disable the chroot for the cgi?

I run another non-chrooted httpd instance that only listens on and runs with the privileges of the _backuppc user.
Connections can be forwarded with ProxyPass from the chrooted httpd
instance.  Alternatively, SSH port forwarding can be used to access
the BackupPC web frontend.

I'm struggling with one problem.

On startup, BackupPC version 3 checks whether all executables that are
specified in the configuration file exist.  BackupPC quits if an
executable is missing.  Thus the current port depends on the optional
packages gtar, samba, bzip2, rsync and par2cmdline.

BackupPC version 2 didn't check for the presence of optional
executables.  Thus it was possible to specify these executables in the
configuration file without the need to depend on the optional

On the one hand, I'd like to keep the port simple.  On the other hand,
I don't want the BackupPC port to depend on gtar and samba, since most
people will probably use rsync to backup their hosts.

I can think of several solutions to this problem:

1. By default, the BackupPC port could depend on all packages.  But we
   could add flavors like no_gtar and no_samba that disable the
   dependencies so that people can easily build their own packages
   that don't depend on samba etc.

2. We could set the path names of the optional executables to the
   empty string so that BackupPC doesn't look for these executables on
   startup.  But then users would have to set the path names manually
   in the configuration when an optional package is installed.

3. We could disable the checks for the executables.  The changes in
   BackupPC would be rather small, but I'd like to avoid changes to
   the upstream sources if possible.

Unfortunately, there's a bug in BackupPC's  If a path is
set to the empty string, will output the default path,
e.g. '/usr/bin/smbclient', instead of the empty string.  I haven't
decided yet how to fix this bug.  This bug affects solutions 1 and 2.

Personally, I'd go for solution 1.  What do you think?

There's another issue I'm not happy with.

I used to keep the files for the second httpd instance in
/var/backuppc/www/{conf,htdocs,logs}.  I now decided to put httpd.conf
into /etc/backuppc alongside the BackupPC configuration files.  The
httpd log files are kept in /var/log/backuppc alongside the BackupPC
log files.  IMHO it makes sense to keep these files together -
especially the configuration files.  Also, I don't expect the file
names that are used by BackupPC and httpd to ever clash.

But OpenBSD's httpd insists on creating the file logs/etag-state in
the ServerRoot directory that I have set to /etc/backuppc.  Since the
path name logs/etag-state cannot be configured I have to create a
symbolic link called /etc/backuppc/logs that points to
/var/log/backuppc.  This also means that I have to add an @exec
statement to PLIST.  Not nice, but I can't think of a better solution.

What else is there to say?

By default, the BackupPC httpd instance now listens on port 8081 on
localhost.  The port can be set with BACKUPPC_HTTPD_PORT in the
Makefile.  Any suggestions for another default port instead of 8081?

The _backuppc user has got the user and group id 599.  This will
change if the BackupPC port should ever make it into the ports tree.

If you have used a previous version of the BackupPC port you must move
several files and directories.  If a hard disk partition is mounted on
/var/backuppc that partition should now be mounted on

The contents of /var/backuppc/conf needs to be moved to /etc/backuppc.
Don't forget to compare the old and new  The config files
of the individual hosts ought to be moved one level down into the
directory /etc/backuppc/pc.  The contents of /var/backuppc/www/conf
should also be moved to /etc/backuppc.  Make sure to update your

You can move the contents of /var/backuppc/logs and
/var/backuppc/www/logs to /var/log/backuppc if you would like to keep
your log files.

The sub directories cpool, pc, pool, trash, and .ssh have moved from
/var/backuppc to /var/db/backuppc.  Make sure to set the home
directory of the user _backuppc to /var/db/backuppc.

BackupPC's httpd must now be started with "httpd -d /etc/backuppc -f
/etc/backuppc/httpd.conf -u" instead of "httpd -d /var/backuppc/www

The directory /var/backuppc is no longer needed once you have moved
all your files.


Attachment: port-p5-File-RsyncP.tar.gz
Description: File::RsyncP port required by BackupPC

Attachment: port-backuppc.tar.gz
Description: BackupPC 3.0.0beta2 port

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