On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 11:09:29AM +0100, Toni Mueller wrote:
>On Sun, 31.12.2006 at 14:18:54 +0100, Antoine Jacoutot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> While I totally understand Marc's comment, he just wonders "what a full 
>> scale audit would reveal"... maybe nothing!
>ugh. Bad assumption if you try to be "secure by default".
>> By the way, this is true for other ports too.
>> For info, the daemon cannot be run at root. It is a small software so it 
>> shouldn't be to hard to audit if people want to.
>FWIW, I was also recently looking for a small webserver after I
>initially looked into lighttpd, and came across nginx which I find
>even more promising.

if interested
it is very popular in ex-soviet-union ;]
infact, jan[lighttpd] and sesojev[nginx] are exchanging with ideas
and perhaps with code, dono.


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