BuSab wrote:
> Le 15/01/07 à 17:41, Chuck Robey a écrit :
>> 2) for the dillo stuff you gave me, it didn't want to use the libintl
>> and libiconv shared libs, and even got the static libs screwed up, so
>> I had to walk thru the Makefiles adding -L/usr/local/lib
>> -lintl.-liconv and removing the static lib callouts.. 
>> You also need to make sure you have the x11/fltk port installed,
>> 'cause the new dillo seems to want it.
Let me add some graffitti, in case anyone else is masochistic enough to
want to try what I'm doing: don't install fltk, because it appears that fltk
has recently made aradical change in the naming of their include
files 9the they have wuite a lot of them) so installing OpenBSD's version
of fltk will only give you a cheache.  Try downloading the
fltk-2.0.x-r5599.tar.gz version of fltk, it still had the old naming
back then, and it seems to build (so far, on this system it will be for
an hour more, probably).
> It's only used for the download gui (--disable-dlgui let you chose where
> to save the file in a gtk dialog, and then download silently).
> Future versions of dillo will be fltk2 based.
>> I'd like to report that dillo finished building when I added fltk, but
>> to tell youthe truth, i am still waiting for fltk ti finish building.
>> The GUI i'd decided on, Xfce4, has so manyu parts, i don't know if I
>> shouldn't provide for maintenance of the build in  my will ... no,
>> that's not funny. 
> I use ratpoison, witch just do the job : display full screen apps,
> switch between them. I launch apps with buttons on the right part of the
> screen.
> Ratpoison don't take ages to build (but x will).

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