On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 10:10:31PM -0800, Ben Calvert wrote:
> i can't reinstall bzip2 due to a 'library conflict'.
> first i couldn't run pkg_add -ui bzip2, so i deleted it and all it's
> dependencies, but now i can't pkg_add it or install it from ports.
> when i try to install from ports, i get the following slightly more
> helpful messages:
> Can't install bzip2-1.0.4 because of conflicts (.libs-bzip2-1.0.4)
> can someone help me figure out where this library comes from and how to
> overwrite it?

When pkg_add -r is used, older libraries are retained in .libs-* packages.

Note that pkg_add -u issues -r.

To clean up, merely # pkg_delete .libs-bzip2

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