I'm trying to port OpenBLAS to the tree and am currently getting
some weird assembler errors (port makefile is attached at end math/openblas)

../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c: Assembler messages:
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:37: Error: no such instruction: 
`vbroadcastss (%rcx),%ymm0'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:38: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups (%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm8'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:39: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 32(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm9'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:40: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 64(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm10'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:41: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 96(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm11'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:42: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups (%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm4'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:43: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 32(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm5'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:44: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 64(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm6'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:45: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 96(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm7'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:51: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:52: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:53: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:54: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:55: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:56: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:57: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:58: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:59: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups (%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm8'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:60: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 32(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm9'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:61: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 64(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm10'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:62: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 96(%rdx,%rax,4),%ymm11'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:63: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups (%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm4'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:64: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 32(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm5'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:65: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 64(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm6'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:66: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups 96(%rsi,%rax,4),%ymm7'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:67: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm12,-128(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:68: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm13,-96(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:69: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm14,-64(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:70: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm15,-32(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:75: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:76: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:77: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:78: Error: no such instruction: `vmulps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:79: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:80: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:81: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:82: Error: no such instruction: `vaddps 
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:83: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm12,-128(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:84: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm13,-96(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:85: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm14,-64(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:86: Error: no such instruction: 
`vmovups %ymm15,-32(%rdx,%rax,4)'
../kernel/x86_64/saxpy_microk_sandy-2.c:87: Error: no such instruction: 
`vzeroupper '

Presumably this is happening due to the assembler being used is
the one from base as we don't build the ports egcc with gas for
anything except aarch64 and arm.
I'm kind of stumped here as it seems like using gfortran sets the
compiler to egcc (compiling the above file with cc works).
Is it possible to mix gfortran with base-clang C compiler?
Another (possible) solution would be to build egcc all archs with
the new gas assembler, but that sounds a lot more dangerous and I
don't know enough to know if that is possible/or even a good idea/
or if it will even work :-/

Any pointers would be cool to have.
(I've cc'ed pascal@ as they are the maintainer for gcc port and
can be better suited to answer the second point of gas)


# $OpenBSD $

COMMENT =       optimized BLAS/LAPACK library based on GotoBLAS 
CATEGORIES =    math

GH_ACCOUNT =    xianyi
GH_TAGNAME =    v0.3.12

SHARED_LIBS =   openblas 0.0 \
                blas 7.2 \
                cblas 7.2 \
                lapack 7.2 \
                lapacke 7.2

MAINTAINER =    Aisha Tammy <open...@aisha.cc>


WANT_LIB +=     c m pthread

MODULES =       fortran

USE_GMAKE =     Yes

                LIBopenblas_VERSION="${LIBopenblas_VERSION}" \
                LIBblas_VERSION="${LIBblas_VERSION}" \
                LIBcblas_VERSION="${LIBcblas_VERSION}" \
                LIBlapack_VERSION="${LIBlapack_VERSION}" \
                LIBlapacke_VERSION="${LIBlapacke_VERSION}" \
                USE_THREAD=1 USE_OPENMP=0 \
                NUM_PARALLEL=8 \
                NUM_THREADS=64 \
                MAKE_NB_JOBS=-1 \
                DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 \
                TARGET=GENERIC \
                NO_AFFINITY=1 \
                NO_STATIC=0 \

.include <bsd.port.mk>

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