On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 05:30:16PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2020/11/05 08:59, Tracey Emery wrote:
> > Hello ports,
> > 
> > Here is a new port pcb2gcode. pcb2gcode is a command-line software for
> > the isolation, routing and drilling of PCBs. It takes Gerber files as
> > input and it outputs gcode files, suitable for the milling of PCBs. It
> > also includes an Autoleveller, useful for the automatic dynamic
> > calibration of the milling depth.
> > 
> > This works on amd64 and appears to put out proper gcode. I have not
> > tested it all the way to CNC for accuracy, but it looks correct.
> > 
> > Any comments or ok to import?
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Tracey Emery
> generally looking good, one or two things though;
> : WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext
> : WANTLIB += Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender atk-1.0 
> boost_program_options-mt
> : WANTLIB += c cairo expat ffi fontconfig freetype fribidi gdk-x11-2.0
> : WANTLIB += gdk_pixbuf-2.0 geos gerbv gio-2.0 glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0
> : WANTLIB += gobject-2.0 graphite2 gtk-x11-2.0 harfbuzz iconv intl
> : WANTLIB += m pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pcre pixman-1
> : WANTLIB += png xcb xcb-render xcb-shm z
> : 
> : COMPILER =          base-clang ports-gcc
> : 
> : BUILD_DEPENDS =             cad/gerbv \
> :                     devel/boost \
> :                     geo/geos \
> :                     x11/gnome/librsvg \
> :                     x11/gtk2mm
> : LIB_DEPENDS =               cad/gerbv \
> :                     devel/boost \
> :                     devel/atk \
> :                     devel/fribidi \
> :                     devel/libffi \
> :                     geo/geos \
> :                     graphics/cairo
> LIB_DEPENDS entries shouldn't also be in BUILD_DEPENDS.
> librsvg and gtk2mm (for gdkmm) are used in gerberimporter_tests.cpp and
> checked by autoconf - since it's a bit unexpected to have these without
> LIB_DEPENDS it might be worth a comment.
> so maybe replace the existing BUILD_DEPENDS with just this?
> # librsvg/gdkmm only used in gerberimporter_tests.cpp, not packaged
> BUILD_DEPENDS =         x11/gnome/librsvg \
>                         x11/gtk2mm

Cool, thanks! New port attached.

> : MAKE_FLAGS =                GIT_VERSION="${V}"
> : 
> : USE_GMAKE =         Yes
> : 
> : CONFIGURE_STYLE =   autoreconf
> please don't set this to unconditionally strip (-s), that's handled by
> install (and is handled automatically by ports in most cases, including
> here).
> :                     CPPFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include"
> This should just be CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" (CPP here =
> preprocessor not C++). Compiler flags (CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS) are handled
> OK anyway.

Any other comments or oks?



Tracey Emery

Attachment: pcb2gcode-2.1.0.tgz
Description: Binary data

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