On Wed, November 18, 2020 10:57 am, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2020/11/18 17:06, (a user) wrote off-list:
>> Hello,
>> I found your coordinates on openports.se Website and and few other
>> mailing lists with topic
>> about nrpe on OpenBSD.
> For ports that do not have a maintainer, it is better to write to
> ports@openbsd.org. I am replying there and BCC'ing you so that
> others can benefit from it too while not disclosing your identity
> if you don't want to.
>> I would like to report a few troubles about using nrpe on OpenBSD6.8.
>> I installed the "official" package with
>> # pkg_add nrpe
>> After I set the options I find myself unable to link with my Nagios
>> server running Nagios4 on
>> Debian10.
>> CHECK_NRPE: (ssl_err != 5) Error - Could not complete SSL handshake
>> Everything looks set as it should so there is no obvious reason,
>> starting the deamon with -n to
>> disable the ssl support works fine.
>> Could this be a trouble with the openssl version?
>> On this regard, why use an additional ssl library instead of the system
>> one ?
>> The package itself uses a fairy old version of nrpe, could it be updated
>> to something newer ?
>> Thank you for your time.
> NRPE before 3.x requires anonymous DH and 512-bit keys which aren't
> available in the ssl/tls libraries in the base system.
> NRPE 3.x/4.x support more "normal" crypto but there's a cross
> compatibility problem, if we update then it will break existing
> installations, both server and clients need to be updated together.
> A newer version could be added as a separate port but I'm not sure it
> is a good idea to encourage any new use of NRPE. Upstream stopped
> development now, "Notice: As of NRPE version 4.0.1, this project is
> deprecated. It will not receive any more bugfixes or features, except to
> resolve security issues."

In case the OP is on the list, I submitted an update using libressl about
a year ago.  Check the archives.  By the time I looked at modifying as a
separate port, NRPE was deprecated so I never bothered.

I do still use it on my work OpenBSD systems.

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