On 11/15/20 9:30 PM, Brad Smith wrote:
> Even an update to 1.8.5 which still has Python 2 support would be an 
> improvement for
> the areas I have run into Sphinx issues.
> On 11/15/2020 4:12 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> It either needs the port splitting (py2-sphinx and py-sphinx) or sticking 
>> with a Python 2.7-compatible version. Getting the required updates tested 
>> and committed world be a good first step (py-six etc).
Hi all,
Sorry, this long list of patches was done quite a while ago.

Most of it should still be fine, as a lot of them are new ports.

Feel free to take maintainership of the packages, I am not too keen
on keeping them. Honestly, someone who deals with sphinx on a more
regular basis is a better person to take this whole ecosystem. I only
updated this cuz I needed them to host my library of novels
with calibre-web.

There's a couple more packages like werkzeug, flask, flask-principal, mypy
(and I forget others) that also need to be updated. Some are new dependencies.
I have the patches available for them as well.
I will send them out too. Hopefully, someone can find those useful :)

Most of them should be lying around somewhere in my garbage dump
I call a tree.


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