On 2020/11/23 07:31, Anatoli wrote:
> Stuart,
> Thanks a lot for the explanation! Much appreciated!
> cyrus-imapd project is mostly modular (e.g. if it's built with --enable-http,
> there would be additional binary httpd), but there are also some elements that
> hold the compilation information, like cyr_buildinfo [1] which returns the
> details about the components, dependencies, etc. that were activated or not
> during the build:

ok, so subpackages won't work for this - seems it also links libcyrus
against all the various libraries used by the various components. (last
time I ran cyrus imapd it was in 2.2.something days so I'm not familiar
with current development :-)

> > If you've built it with everything included, then there is no particular
> > advantage to packaging up subsets of that.  You might think "we can avoid
> > bloat by excluding the features we don't need", but in this case all the 
> > APIs
> > to support those features would still be in libcyrus, you would just be
> > missing binaries.  You could have achieved the same effect by just not 
> > running
> > those services in cyrus.conf
> I guess it would be more appropriate to proceed with flavors.

There is also ellie's reply, which makes a lot of sense at least in
cases where it doesn't pull in a bunch of extra dependencies:

         "I would simply provide one package with all the
        stable/non-experimental features enabled, and admins can
        just not use the features they don't need."

> I was thinking about actually defining a number of flavors (basically for most
> components and dependencies as returned by cyr_buildinfo), but to build only 4
> combinations as part of the build infrastructure (the most clear use-cases), 
> so
> the rest of possible combinations could be activated by the users in the 
> ports.
> Does that sound good?

With flavours, all of the individual choices should be built as part of
a bulk build, to make sure that any breakage in non-default options is
picked up, plus whatever combinations are useful for real-world use
should be built too.

When the port is updated later, the set of different "standard build"
flavours should be tested. When deciding what flavours to support, this
extra work for every update needs factoring in :-)

Additionally consider the case where new users install the software;
pkg_add will present the big list of options which can be a bit
overwhelming if a flavour is provided for every build option.

Generally my approach would be to add flavours for things which are
fairly popular but that also some users will really not want to use.
This could either be "positive" flavours to enable those features,
or "negative" flavours i.e. "no_whatever" to disable them (for example
many ports have a no_x11 flavour). I would tend towards "negative"
for core features that some people may want to avoid (considering
cyrus then http might be a candidate for this) - and "positive" for
things pulling in heavier-weight extra dependencies.

> And if I understood it correctly, I'd have to use PFRAGs and %%flavor%% in 
> to define the build differences for each flavor, right?

Yes. Try www/lighttpd for a simple example of this (vim is a poor
example to crib from as it has a combination of multipackages *and*

games/cataclysm-dda is a more complex example (though still just
flavours not multipackages) using PFRAG.no_x11 for files which are only
in the no_x11 flavour, PFRAG.no-no_x11 for files which are _not_ in
the no_x11 flavour, and PLIST has the files common to both flavours.

> Anatoli
> [1] 
> https://www.cyrusimap.org/imap/reference/manpages/systemcommands/cyr_buildinfo.html
> [2] 
> https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/devel/T5acbcb9536dc47c3/cyrus-imapd-packaging-flavors-variations
> On 22/11/20 10:53, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2020/11/22 00:27, Anatoli wrote:
> >> Then, I'm working now on the flavored version of the port, and my idea is 
> >> to
> >> apply it as soon as the new minor version is published (or maybe even 
> >> before
> >> this so not to deal with the REVISION) but this is my first time working 
> >> with
> >> ports, so I have no experience with the process and I have a couple of 
> >> questions
> >> about some aspects of flavors definition.
> >
> > Is the build "modular"? That is, do the build options just have it build
> > additional features in separate files (.so modules etc), or do they change
> > the main binaries too?
> >
> > For builds which are modular, generally we do a single build and split
> > the various files into subpackages. See for example PHP, Asterisk,
> > Dovecot. MULTI_PACKAGES is defined with a list of subpackage names,
> > the port is built once, packages are created for each subpackage
> > using the relevant "PLIST-sub" file.
> >
> > (Heading off something you will see in some of these ports - there are
> > "no_*" pseudo-flavours in some of these which are an optimization to
> > reduce build dependencies for people building themselves rather than
> > using packages - ignore these initially, they would be something to add
> > later, if at all).
> >
> >>     1: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk2
> >>     2: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk2-lua
> >>     3: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk2-perl-python-ruby
> >>     4: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk2-perl-python3-ruby
> >>     5: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk3
> >>     6: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk3-lua
> >>     7: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk3-perl-python-ruby
> >>     8: vim-8.2.1805p0-gtk3-perl-python3-ruby
> >>     9: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-lua
> >>     10: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11
> >>     11: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-perl-python-ruby
> >>     12: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby
> >>     13: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-python
> >>     14: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-python3
> >>     15: vim-8.2.1805p0-no_x11-ruby
> >
> > Solène explained how this list is defined. vim (and some other things
> > like mutt) are just "either/or", so there's no alternative to building
> > it multiple times. But it's better to avoid building what is essentially
> > the same port 15 times if possible :)
> >
> >> Then I have some other questions like what does 'M'(option1) and 'L' mean 
> >> in
> >> places like: .if ${FLAVOR:Moption1} or .if ${FLAVOR:L:Mcrypto}? I've seen 
> >> other
> >> letters (F) being used in a similar way, but haven't seen anything in the 
> >> docs
> >> explaining what they mean.
> >
> > :L is lowercase, :M is match, these are documented in make(1), "Each
> > modifier begins with a colon and [...]"
> >
> > F isn't in this list, is that just a variable defined in a Makefile
> > somewhere?
> >
> >> How PLIST, DESCR files should be prepared and what's the purpose of the 
> >> PFRAG.xx
> >> files? Looks like PLIST and DESCR could have versions for multi-packages, 
> >> but
> >> not for the flavors, though PFRAG files appear to be flavorable, but not 
> >> sure
> >> how exactly and what content/format they should have.
> >
> > PFRAGs handle files which exist only in certain flavours of the port.
> > If a port has a flavour "foo" and PLIST has a %%foo%% entry, PFRAG.foo
> > is inserted into the PLIST at that point only when the build is done using
> > that flavour. Likewise if there is a !%%foo%%, PFRAG.no-foo is inserted
> > for all flavours *except* foo.
> >
> > (This mechanism can also handle the case where there are differences
> > in the file list between different machine archs by defining a variable
> > for pkg_create - you won't need it here but for an example see how
> > PKG_ARGS is set in lang/go-bootstrap).
> >
> >> So how should I update the PLIST in order to accommodate flavor 
> >> differences if
> >> it's a single version for all flavors? And should I create other files 
> >> (PFRAG)?
> >>
> >>
> >> And a side note: this port probably should NOT be built on 32-bit archs 
> >> due to
> >> the devs supposition that all time-related structures are 64-bit and there 
> >> could
> >> be security implications if this is not the case (signedness and int 
> >> overflow).
> >> Here's a discussion about this without a definitive conclusion [6].
> >
> > This only relates to the size of time_t, not the whole architecture.
> > NetBSD changed time_t to 64-bit on all architectures in 6.0 (2012),
> > OpenBSD did the same in 5.5 (2014). Linux now has support too (in 5.6,
> > this year) but maintained the old ABI and with the long term
> > binary/library compatibility I guess it will be quite some time before
> > software actually running on most people's machines will be rebuilt for
> > this. Looks like FreeBSD still uses 32-bit on i386 but 64-bit on others
> > (including non-i386 32-bit).
> >
> > We still run into bugs in application software that assumes time_t is
> > "long", especially in format strings (the standard approach we take in
> > ports when patching things is to use long long format strings, and cast
> > the variable to long long so that the patch can be fed upstream without
> > breaking things on other OS). Presumably as Cyrus devs are aware of
> > this they will be taking reasonable care!
> >

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