On Fri, December 4, 2020 06:01, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> Jeremie Courreges-Anglas <j...@wxcvbn.org> writes:
>> [...]
>> I think the port as-is is ripe and ready to commit, but I don't know yet
>> if there are ports that might pick this up.
>> [...]
> Just following up on this - if anyone is still interested in importing
> this new port, I have updated it to the latest version - 7.1.3 (vs 7.1.1). 
> Tarball is attached.
> Tested the same way - builds, tests, fakes, packages, installs and
> deinstalls.
> Thanks,
> Ash
Thanks Ash for working on this. I just needed this for a new port
and your mail was godsend. I've also build tested the latest update
for graphics/openimageio for which fmt is a required build dependency.
I will post openimageio- update soon, just need some more time to test.

Can someone please import this in the meanwhile?


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