On 2020/12/07 14:15, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> This is a probably very dirty port of gortr (a RPKI to Router server).
> gortr is able to serve rpki-client JSON files to routers via RTR protocol.
> I doubt the MODGO settings are correct but for me
>       make modgo-gen-modules
> fails with
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/modgo-gen-modules-helper line 44.
> I currently need this only for developing RTR support so I did not add
> rc.d script (which probably would require also a extra _gortr user).
> -- 
> :wq Claudio

MODGO_MODFILES can be removed in this case, the contents of
MODGO_MODULES is added to it automatically. For most things there
are a set of additional entries in MODGO_MODULES but doesn't seem
to be the case here.

Please wordwrap DESCR, and I think it maybe helpful to add the word BGP
in there somewhere (I know it's not BGP speaking directly but gives
people a clue). Maybe this? (I s/the the/the/ as well):

GoRTR is an open-source implementation of the RPKI to Router protocol
(RFC 6810), normally used with BGP routers, using the Go programming

Features of the server
    Refreshes a JSON list of prefixes
    Prometheus metrics
    Signature verification and expiration control

can you add a line like this too please:

BROKEN-aarch64= pins old version of golang.org/x/sys/unix

OK with those or similar changes.

btw for porting recent Go software it is often simplest to use portgen
and start from there e.g. "portgen go github.com/cloudflare/gortr", it
won't cope with everything but seems ok with this.

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