On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 04:39:40PM -0000, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> On Mon, November 30, 2020 10:37, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2020/11/30 08:48, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> >
> >> From Stuart Henderson
> >>
> >>> update to blender-2.91.0, from Dimitri Karamazov (and earlier work on 
> >>> 2.81 from Andrea Fleckenstein). Dimitri takes maintainer, agreed with
> >>> pascal@. I added a dep on graphics/potrace because blender picks it up at 
> >>> build time if present.
> >>
> >> WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} GL GLEW Half-2_5 Iex-2_5 IlmImf-2_5
> >> WANTLIB += IlmThread-2_5 Imath-2_5 OpenColorIO OpenImageIO SDL2
> >> WANTLIB += X11 Xfixes Xi Xrender Xxf86vm avcodec avdevice avformat
> >> WANTLIB += avutil boost_atomic-mt boost_chrono-mt boost_date_time-mt
> >> WANTLIB += boost_filesystem-mt boost_regex-mt boost_system-mt
> >> WANTLIB += boost_thread-mt c fftw3 freetype jpeg m openal openjp2
> >> WANTLIB += png potrace sndfile swscale tbb tiff tinyxml util yaml-cpp
> >> WANTLIB += z
> >>
> >>
> >> Hmm..., opencolorio, yaml-cpp, tinyxml, sndfile are present in wantlibs as 
> >> well.
> >> I guess those should be added to LIB_DEPENDS. yaml-cpp and tinyxml are
> >> recursively pulled by opencolorio, so adding just add will be okay? Also 
> >> opencolorio is pulled in by openimageio which is listed in LIB_DEPENDS.
> >>
> >> So the question is are recursively pulled dependencies to be listed in 
> >>
> >
> > No they are not, unless they are also used directly by the port itself.
> >
> >
> >

> Removed -DWITH_RAYOPTIMIZATIONS since it doesn't exist, rest of the options
> are auto-detected. gflags is not a dependency anymore. I've added opencolorio,
> libsndfile and sdl2 to LIB_DEPENDS since they are direct dependencies.
> Arranged LIB_DEPENDS in alpha order hope that is fine. I think it is fine to
> expect SSE. Mininum requirements for blender is a 64-bit CPU. What do you 
> think?
> https://www.blender.org/download/requirements/
> Build,run tested on amd64.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/graphics/blender/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.99
diff -u -p -r1.99 Makefile
--- Makefile    29 Nov 2020 19:57:01 -0000      1.99
+++ Makefile    30 Nov 2020 16:24:06 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.99 2020/11/29 19:57:01 sthen Exp $
-ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = amd64 i386
 COMMENT =      3D creation software
@@ -39,30 +39,27 @@ MODPY_VERSION =     ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_
                        -DPYTHON_VERSION=${MODPY_VERSION} \
-                       -DWITH_CODEC_FFMPEG=ON \
                        -DWITH_INTERNATIONAL=OFF \
-                       -DWITH_RAYOPTIMIZATION=OFF \
-                       -DWITH_OPENCOLORIO=ON \
-                       -DWITH_OPENMP=OFF \
                        -DWITH_SYSTEM_GLEW=ON \
-                       -DWITH_CPU_SSE=OFF \
                        -DWITH_CYCLES_EMBREE=OFF \
-BUILD_DEPENDS =        devel/gflags \
-               math/py-numpy${MODPY_FLAVOR}
-LIB_DEPENDS =  graphics/png \
-               graphics/jpeg \
-               graphics/glew \
-               graphics/openexr \
-               graphics/tiff \
+LIB_DEPENDS =  audio/libsndfile \
+               audio/openal \
                devel/boost \
+               devel/sdl2 \
                devel/tbb \
-               audio/openal \
-               graphics/openjp2 \
                graphics/ffmpeg \
+               graphics/glew \
+               graphics/jpeg \
+               graphics/opencolorio \
+               graphics/openexr \
                graphics/openimageio \
+               graphics/openjp2 \
+               graphics/png \
                graphics/potrace \
+               graphics/tiff \
                math/fftw3 \
 RUN_DEPENDS =  devel/desktop-file-utils \

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