
Sorry for resending this, apparently the list didn't like my primary email 
address and the message got encoded. Resending to max it easier for everyone.

I don't use OpenBSD but a friend asked for help since they do. They saw a patch 
for Ansible which will help them manage their systems from other OS, but it 
wasn't in Ansible itself. They told me they asked the maintainer (who has an 
openbsd.org email) about it and got the following quote after some discussion 
(if there is somewhere they should forward the original I can pass it along):

"If somebody starts telling me that I must do something because they just 
decided so, I don't care if is it bad education, stupidity or mental illness. "

But it looks like the policy here 
https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/guide.html#PortsPolicy suggests this patch 
should have been shared, but was not. I went ahead and opened a PR 
(https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/72937) and pinged the maintainer for 
their feedback in case I missed something.

While doing my patch I found https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/65112 from 
the past which seems to be another patch not submitted but which was actually 

Since I am not an OpenBSD user I was curious if that policy item is still 
valid, or if it is pending amendment for more specific criteria for when 
patches should be shared with projects? When patches are shared, or not, where 
does this end up getting documented?

For instance, in Fedora there is a comment in the spec file explaining why a 
patch is needed, where it was submitted, and why it was not included if 
applicable. Ref: 


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