On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 15:58:51 +0100
Rafael Sadowski <raf...@sizeofvoid.org> wrote:

> Githup webui: https://github.com/openbsd/ports/pull/4/files
> Full Diff: https://sizeofvoid.org/pub/OpenBSD/qt.5.15.2-full.diff
> Full x11/qt5 diff: https://sizeofvoid.org/pub/OpenBSD/qt.5.15.2-only.diff

Thank you for work porting desktop software to OpenBSD.  I applied
your qt.5.15.2-full.diff before I built math/octave on macppc, and
octave runs as well as it did before this Qt update.  My build
depended on x11/qt5/{qtbase,qtdeclarative,qttools}.  --George

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