On 2021/01/27 10:53, Omar Polo wrote:
> Hello ports,
> please find attached the port for ksnip, a qt-based screenshot tool, and
> its two dependencies: kimageannotator and kcolorpicker.  (note that the
> tar expands to those three directories.)  Even though the projects are
> named kColorPicker and kImageAnnotator, I lowercased the package names.
> All the patches for ksnip are a backport of a commit that drops various
> #ifdef __linux__ in favour of UNIX_X11.
> I'm not sure why cmake doesn't pick the CFLAGS/LDFLAGS for xlib, but
> instead of fighting it I just added the -I and -L flags in
> CONFIGURE_ARGS/ENV.  If someone with more experience with cmake would
> chime in and take a look I'll gladly appreciate :)

hm, this reminds me of a problem I ran into recently. I don't think it's
quite the same case but I'm not entirely convinced things are quite
setup right in cmake for X;


> Double-checked everything with make port-lib-depends-check and
> portcheck -N.
> Comments? OK?

OK sthen to import.

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