On 2021/02/01 03:41, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> Information for inst:py3-importlib_resources-5.1.0
> Comment:
> backport of the importlib.resources module
> Required by:
> qutebrowser-2.0.0
> Description:
> importlib_resources is a backport of Python standard library 
> importlib.resources
> module for older Pythons. Users of Python 3.9 and beyond should use the 
> standard
> library module, since for these versions, importlib_resources just delegates 
> to
> that module.
> Maintainer: Dimitri Karamazov <deserter...@danwin1210.me>
> WWW: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/importlib_resources
> Any comments/OK's?

Please add a comment like "# remove when switching to Python 3.9"
to the makefile and rewrap DESCR so it isn't hard against column 80,
make test is very broken here, it's not a show-stopper if the port
otherwise works but please mention it in makefile (unless it can
be fixed :)

Then it's OK sthen.

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