James Cook <falsif...@falsifian.org> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 11:58:40PM -0800, Greg Steuck wrote:
> Thanks. I'm currently building it and will try it with my repos.
> In devel/cabal/Makefile would it make sense to fix the ghc version,
> i.e:
>   BUILD_DEPENDS +=    lang/ghc=8.10.3

Good call. I was updating everything in lock-step so I never noticed.

> I quickly discovered cabal won't build with 8.6.4, which is what I have
> right now, because the port expects ghc-prim-0.6.1 which doesn't match.
> With the above change, "make build" kicks off a build for ghc-8.10.3
> (which I'm now waiting for).

It's not fast. I build with MAKE_JOBS=N to help a bit.

>> I didn't bother to pare down the dependency list to exclude the test
>> stuff, so MODCABAL_MANIFEST is twice the length it should be.
> Hm, I thought git-annex doesn't have test stuff. cabal v2-test doesn't
> work; the way to test it is to build the binary and run git annex
> test.

Right, that was a mistake on my part. I later realized the list can't be
shorter. I was just taken aback with the sheer mass of dependencies.

> Assuming it works and that "git annex test" doesn't show any problems,
> is there anything else I can do to help with git-annex?

The idea to link the test code into the main binary is quite
unorthodox. I can imagine some arguments for it, but I'll have to
overcome a lot of prior beliefs to accept this as a best practice.

$ touch /home/greg/.config/git-annex/program
$ git-annex test
    get (ssh remote):                                     FAIL (1.20s)
      get of file failed (transcript follows)
      get foo (from origin...) /bin/sh: git-annex-shell: not foundrsync: 
connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]rsync error: 
error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(228) 
[Receiver=3.2.3]rsync exited 12  rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume 
file transfer  transfer failed  Unable to access these remotes: origin  Try 
making some of these remotes available:          
a45e9dcd-c958-4026-96e4-a0d9a6fc322b -- test repo [origin]failedgit-annex: get: 
1 failed
6 out of 975 tests failed (1002.59s)
  (Failures above could be due to a bug in git-annex, or an incompatibility
   with utilities, such as git, installed on this system.)

The failing tests are due to unconfigured rsync stuff.

> I use darcs a fair bit; would it help if I built it on your branch and
> tested it out?

Please do. You are the first person I know who still uses darcs on
openbsd :)


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