
this is a port for pngquant https://github.com/kornelski/pngquant/
a PNG compressor which is really efficient (it's lossy but I
really can't tell a difference).

I manually install the COPYRIGHT file because it's asked on the
project page.

I am not sure BUILD_DEPENDS is required but the configure file
uses /usr/bin/env bash

> Under GPL v3 or later with an additional copyright notice that must be kept 
> for the older parts of the code.

I did a benchmark with 3 originals files, pngquant compression and
optipng. The % row is pngquant result compared to original file size.

                web browser screenshot  game screenshot Scalc diagram
original size   135810                  396574          15936
optinpng        87372                   340868          14592
pngquant        44797                   267654          6797
% of orig size  33%                     68%             43%

Attachment: pngquant.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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