On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 02:25:14PM +0000, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> See new port version attached. It contains 1.5.0, which I didn't had a
> chance to properly test, as I've updated the port today.
> From port perspective comparing to github-cli,2.tgz from Stuart
> Henderson, I've:
> - updated $V to 1.5.0
> - make makesum
> - ran make modgo-gen-modules
> - update Makefile with new MODGO_MODULES and MODGO_MODFILES
> - make makesum again
> - updated plist
> - added MODGO_LDFLAGS so gh version prints proper version
> - make package
> - gh version works as expected, and prints 1.5.0 instead of DEV

Updated port to 1.7.0 version attached.


Attachment: github-cli-1.7.0.port.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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