
On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 08:28:05AM -0600, Aaron Bieber wrote:
> Mikolaj Kucharski writes:
> > Kind reminder.
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 03:51:16PM +0000, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I was looking for a tool which can easily generate a screenshot
> >> from Prometheus metrics and I found:
> >> 
> >>    https://github.com/qvl/promplot
> >> 
> >> > Comment:
> >> > create plots from Prometheus metrics
> >> >
> >> > Description:
> >> > promplot is an opinionated tool to create plots from Prometheus
> >> > metrics and automatically sends them to Slack or saves the image
> >> > to a file or stdout.
> >> 
> >> With help from Aaron Bieber I've created attached port. It compiles and
> >> I can generate PNG files with Prometheus metrics via the tool.
> >> 
> No need for $V:
> ----
> # $OpenBSD$
> COMMENT =       create plots from Prometheus metrics
> MODGO_MODNAME = qvl.io/promplot
> MODGO_VERSION = v0.17.0
> DISTNAME =      promplot-${MODGO_VERSION}
> CATEGORIES =    graphics
> ----
> is sufficient. go.port.mk handles the package name stuff.
> With the above change OK abieber@ for import. If someone wants to commit
> it :D

Updated port, per above request, attached.


Attachment: promplot-0.17.0.port-v2.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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