On 2021-05-25 10:44 p.m., Daniel Jakots wrote:
On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:00:07 +0000, Stuart Henderson
<s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:

On 2019/11/26 19:08, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:
These 3 are python2-only, and the only consumers are in a chain from
one to the next.  (py-policyd-spf needs py-spf which needs

Is anyone using these?

Any objections to removing them?


I don't use them (I don't think SPF is really useful) but
py-policyd-spf is the main recommended "standalone" implementation of
SPF for Postfix (as opposed to being part of a much more complex
system like rspamd). So if anybody is using them there's not much
alternative (there is a similarly named perl program but it's not
very good).

In 2017 Giovanni (added in Cc:) sent a wip diff for mail/py-policyd-spf.
This never went in and then in January 2019 he imported
mail/postfix-policyd-spf-perl. Is that the perl program you had in mind

I assume since Giovanni imported the perl thing, he doesn't use the
python one anymore.

Given there's been a WIP diff to update py-policyd-spf since 2017 and
it never went in, it seems there's not much interest for it. The
proposal from kmos to remove it didn't seem to have shocked anyone into
maintaining it either.

What do you think about the situation Giovanni?

(I looked at it because I recently added spf support to my postfix
setup, and I did it through postfix-policyd-spf-perl).



Does the postfix-policyd-spf-perl version provide identical functionality to the Python one ?


- J

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